Sunday, October 12, 2008


The other Susan Sontag reading about the Happenings was really interesting. I like how they took advantage of their ability to have any kind of exhibition that they wanted and that they also went in crazy wys with the themes. I think it is interesting how Surrealism has made its way into the theme, and how they are exposing their dreams in a physical way, instead of just on a canvas or wall.
My question is, was this accepted by th public. I know that it only lasted about 5 years, but was that because the artists were moving in a different direction, or that ideas were running low, or because it wasn't bringing in any money. I would think that it would be quite radical to start a "trend" like this, using recycled materials and having outrageous topics and items in the show. Also, did you have to use recycled materials? I know Kaprow said something about using new items. But, I would think that if you used old and used items, that it would create more of a story to your piece, more of a history and therefore, more of a relation to your piece.

I like how these artists went from using a flat piece of something, canvas, wall, paper, and took it to the physical form. I think at times, people are more apt to understand or to relate to something, or really to be more interested in something because it is right there, popping out at you. I would think that the people would accept this type of art, cautiously maybe, but eventually I would think it would become the new "it" thing to do.

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